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Deep Lies the Murky Floor - A Short Story

  Deep Lies The Murky Floor

  Casey A. Criswell

  Copyright 2010 Casey A. Criswell

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  By Casey Criswell

  “Come on chicken shit, you?e the only one who hasn? swam across.Billy Connolly was typical for a twelve year old bully; pudgy in girth, pig faced in both appearance and attitude. Seldom did he pass the chance to impose himself upon those of lesser stature.

  “You know Billy, I don? really care if everybody else did it. I? not going to.Simon was the antithesis of Billy. Slight of frame, bony in nature, he often set off the feeding instinct in many a mother who gazed upon him at the beach.

  That summer at Price? Pond was a long one for Simon. The pond was private swimming hole filled with those whose parents were privileged enough to afford the membership fees and was small to an adult gazing upon its width. For those of Billy and Simon? age, the far shore was a vast distance indeed.

  Simon could swim. It wasn? a matter of the lack of skill or a fear of drowning. He spent the bulk of that summer practicing his strokes in the deeper area just out side the ropes blocking off the shallow end. Leaving himself able to touch the sandy floor of the pond with the tip of his toes he was always sure of being able to catch himself when needed. With people like Suzanne Jenkins in attendance every day, he could not afford to be seen within the confines of the children? beach.

  The problem stalking Simon that summer was Billy Connolly. It was well known that Billy came from a family lacking in the funds to provide such a wistful summer getaway for their portly child. When the final bell of the school year rang, Simon breathed a heavy sigh of relief knowing that his summer should provide a relief from the attentions of Billy for a solid three months. That sigh turned to one of shock and dismay when Simon and his mother drove through the gates of Price? Pond for the first trip to the beach that summer where he found Billy Connolly throttling a far younger patron in exchange for soda.

  Billy? existence was marginally miserable. With poor parents unable to provide him the luxuries that many of his peers enjoyed he took it upon himself to obtain them. Be it intimidation, physical threats, or physical damage, he cared not. It was well known that few people cared to be in the presence of Billy aside from his trusted friends, so when Billy saw a flash of love or admiration between two classmates, he made it his personal mission to end that flash whenever possible. Because of this, Suzanne? presence made Simon? summer one to loath as opposed to one to remember.

  The other problem plaguing Simon that summer was the age-old tradition of swimming across the pond. Some considered it a right of passage between the ages of eleven and thirteen; facing ones fears and stuff like that. They would build up their courage and set their eye upon the far shore of the pond and make the swim. The pond grew deep across the middle the water growing cold from the murky depths that sat below the surface, the depths hiding untold terrors. What did the blackness hold below your kicking feet? What exactly was that slimy thing that scraped across your thigh as you pulled yourself out of the water onto the far shore? For an active twelve year old, the possibilities were endless. That which you could not see became far scarier as you fought your way to the other side, much like the transition from youth to teen.

  “You know Suzie? watching you don? ya?Billy wore a sneer of menace across his lips. He knew full well where Simon? weaknesses lie.

  Simon took a deep breath to steel his tongue, clenching his fists at his side to contain his frustration and anger. His summer was an endless stream of similar threats, however this was the first to call out his manhood in front of the one person he wished to look tough in front of.

  There was a larger fear to Simon? reluctance to swim the pond. Many agreed in his reluctance to attempt the passage yet they were able to overcome their fears. Simon however held on to a deeper seeded terror when his mind turned to thoughts of the task. He knew he could swim yet he was far from being strong. Often tiring quickly he did not know if he had the strength to make the entire trip. What if his asthma reared its ugly head as he made his way? What if his legs should begin to burn with painful cramps as was known to happen when he spent too much time in the water? And perhaps the strongest angle keeping him from proving himself in front of Suzie; what was hiding in the inky depths below his toes as he crossed into the icy deep water in the center of the pond?

  “It? be a shame if you looked like a wienie man before your little girlfriend!Billy let loose with a throaty cackle as he poised his face mere centimeters from the tip of Simon? nose. The smell of soda that Billy stolen from some random victim drifted into Simon? nostrils; he could smell the distinct citrus flavor of Mountain Dew upon his breath.

  For a change, Simon actually agreed with Billy. He had worked hard on his image that summer, always aiming to impress the young Ms. Jenkins. Making sure his hair was always combed just right, silently flexing his muscles as he crossed her path, always looking away just at the right moment so that she didn? catch him staring; all would be for nothing if Billy humiliated him in front of her. How could she possibly be interested in a man who failed to swim Price? Pond, especially if he was the only boy who failed the passage that summer?

  Simon took a deep breath and drew himself up tall as he looked Billy in the eye; ? can? do it today. I don? have my inhaler.

  Billy? head cocked back as loud bursts of laughter escaped his lips. ?ww, is wittle Simon making excuses?

  Simon turned a bright crimson as he noticed many heads turn in their direction at Billy? outburst.

  “Listen chump, your sad excuses aren? going to help.Billy poked his index finger into Simon? chest as he drove home every syllable. ?his is the last day of summer, school starts next week. You don? swim it today, I?l make sure the entire school knows just how big of a pussy you are; especially Suzie Jenkins.”

  Billy folded his arms across his chest as a smug look of satisfaction settled upon his eyes. The large boy took a step back knowing that he had upset Simon. The look of fear that flashed across Simon? face was enough to make Billy feel that the day was a day well spent, despite what else may arise.

  A group had begun to form around the two boys facing off upon the beach. Most were quiet as they all waited for Simon? response. Some took the chance to add extra tension to Simon? situation, as kids are often known to do; they began to discuss loudly the tales of their own passages across the pond. ? don? know what it was, but something big brushed against my footand ? swear I saw a huge fin stick out of the water when I reached the middlecould be heard whispered in the background. Simon gulped loudly as he scanned the crowd in search of Suzie? face; the rest were inconsequential to his decision.

  “Come on cupcake, time? running out!Billy reached out with his meaty right hand and gave a quick shove to Simon? shoulder. The crowd buzzed with this show of strength from the master of ceremonies. ?ou got one minute to decide, or I? going to decide for you!

  Simon remained silent as he looked through the faces surrounding him. So far he had not seen Suzie amongst the children surrounding him. He could stand to lose face amongst the boys in his group of friends; they?e all had one thing or another that they lacked the strength to accomplish. There would be a silent understanding amongst those closest to him, he was sure of that. But Suzie would not have that connection; her view of this young boy wanting her attention would be settled upon a simple yes or no.

  Not seeing her in the crowd surrounding him, Simon turned back to face Billy, a come back of epic proportions forming itself in his mind. He may not be man enough this day to tackle his right
of passage, but he could build a reputation of his own should he choose just the right words to attempt a counter attack upon the bully standing before him.

  “You know what fatass,Simon smiled inwardly as the crowd around him audibly gasped at his audacity in the face of humiliation and pain. Billy? smug visage morphed into a mask of anger and rising red.

  In the distance Simon saw out of the corner his eye a vision of beauty enter the circle; Suzie had come to see what the fuss was about. His anger trailed off as his mouth hung open; how would he answer with her there to bear witness?

  Billy clenched a ham-sized fist and lifted it before him, preparing to pummel the scrawny boy who dared stand up to his threats. Cocking his arm back, he was